mcm mana most of ppl already know that I'm resigning... some said it has become hot topics during cafe break.... hehe...hopefully dapat farewell giftssss ....hahaa....
22 February 2010
since last friday dok kna check isu yg telah menscrapkan sebijik lot(25wafers) yg berharga ~sebijik MyV... jln kt my tool's New EI. Luckily I am not the developer... hehe... finally New STP and new EI architecture has scrapped a lot... hahaaa... and u know in the end the issue goes to who? of course it's me.... Wed-got email..I was on half day.. so Lyn lah yg kena terjah log file.. and root cause, EI use wrong lot info to start process for the wrong lot... I came in on second half...start tu tk duduk kt cube...kena p jadik CSI Kulim...req tool time..masuk FAB buat simulation...buat assumption and conclusion with vendor and automation guys... Thurs-still same issue...req tool time lg utk buat simulation with vendor's boss... req video from Security dept...luckily the video recording was done it's quite clear compared to tape-based... and the camera is only focusing on that tool all the while....only 1 tool at the area... tgk video tu dkt 10 kali.. still can't get a very clear got the video clip from security....seriously la 5 thn dok sini tk pnah check isu smp p tgk rakaman video.. hehe rakaman... ter-skema pulak... tktau la... another few dadys to care for these issues... hehe..can't wait to cuci-tangan...
what am i talking about?
10 February 2010
bengap sungguh
pagi2 buta pas je dept morning mtg,dpt call..
X:Ana, there was a New EI issue last night, check3x!!
Me:What was the issue, what tool, what time,what lot??
X:you should know, nobody report to you aaa???!!!
Me:No, if yes, i would've rcv a call frm CIMSupport last night....
X:Call you back! (hang up without saying gdbye)
.....after 5 mins..bunyi pulak fon...
X: D1OXSV05, you check time range between 1-3am
Me:Ok, but what was the issue.
X:I dunno, you just check lah!!!
( buat aku hangin ni...sikit punya log file aku nk kena berenang... suka2 hati dia nak aku check randomly, btwn 3 hrs duration logs pulak tuhh!!!!gila!)
Me: You need to give me problem statement, so that I know what to check. If you give me these info it is vr hard fr me to check......
X: You just check first lah, I also don't know. You let me know later haaa! (hang up without saying gdbye)
#!@~$%$$% !!!....pg2 dah bg mood aku flat kan..user ni mmg bermasalah, dan mmg suka sgt susahkan hidup org lain...... tp kalau ada sgt masalah, bgtau lah masalah hg tu apa, so that aku ni senang sikit nak check dan solve isu hg tu.. adussss....mmg dia ni jgk lah reason aku nk blah...minor je lah... but still...... argh!!
ptg tu dpt la tya sorg PE yg baik hati ni, dia lah yg p check what was the real issue, and finnaly found out that it was caused by procedural issue (team si X ni)....bila aku reply , dah tau tu salah dia, tau pulak diam and tkmau reply apa2....mcm tu lah user....
buleh naik giler gue!!5 thn keja kt sini ni pun kira ok la sbb still normal....
X:Ana, there was a New EI issue last night, check3x!!
Me:What was the issue, what tool, what time,what lot??
X:you should know, nobody report to you aaa???!!!
Me:No, if yes, i would've rcv a call frm CIMSupport last night....
X:Call you back! (hang up without saying gdbye)
.....after 5 mins..bunyi pulak fon...
X: D1OXSV05, you check time range between 1-3am
Me:Ok, but what was the issue.
X:I dunno, you just check lah!!!
( buat aku hangin ni...sikit punya log file aku nk kena berenang... suka2 hati dia nak aku check randomly, btwn 3 hrs duration logs pulak tuhh!!!!gila!)
Me: You need to give me problem statement, so that I know what to check. If you give me these info it is vr hard fr me to check......
X: You just check first lah, I also don't know. You let me know later haaa! (hang up without saying gdbye)
#!@~$%$$% !!!....pg2 dah bg mood aku flat kan..user ni mmg bermasalah, dan mmg suka sgt susahkan hidup org lain...... tp kalau ada sgt masalah, bgtau lah masalah hg tu apa, so that aku ni senang sikit nak check dan solve isu hg tu.. adussss....mmg dia ni jgk lah reason aku nk blah...minor je lah... but still...... argh!!
ptg tu dpt la tya sorg PE yg baik hati ni, dia lah yg p check what was the real issue, and finnaly found out that it was caused by procedural issue (team si X ni)....bila aku reply , dah tau tu salah dia, tau pulak diam and tkmau reply apa2....mcm tu lah user....
buleh naik giler gue!!5 thn keja kt sini ni pun kira ok la sbb still normal....
what am i talking about?
Dept T-shirt design contest...
Dalam kekalutan yang melanda kf ofis hr ni, sempat jgk participate dlm design dept tshirt... hehe.. saja la design2... mula2 ada la 4 design, rasa mcm tk best ja design2 tu...haha2... sori la kalau designer tu terbaca :P so sajalah reka2 kt tshirt maker site.. :P some of my entries are below... :P
1. FAB CSI :)
2. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
3. CIM CSI :)
ya la, bila mintak tlg org tu design, dia boleh buat tk peduli ja...lama jgk dh la bgtau.. kalau org lain yg suruh, sat saja siap, boleh pulak email tiap2 hari update pasal design tu...
mcm mana tu???? aku pun tk paham lahhhhhhhhhh...........................seriously..!!
1. FAB CSI :)
2. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
3. CIM CSI :)
ya la, bila mintak tlg org tu design, dia boleh buat tk peduli ja...lama jgk dh la bgtau.. kalau org lain yg suruh, sat saja siap, boleh pulak email tiap2 hari update pasal design tu...
mcm mana tu???? aku pun tk paham lahhhhhhhhhh...........................seriously..!!
what am i talking about?
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