18 March 2013

OJT - Week 1

I'm finally legally being allowed to enter the States! After 3 ridiculuous visa application trial.

It has been 1 week plus since I'm here.

We took Emirates from KL for 7 hours and transitted in Dubai, before continuing another 15 hours journey to Dallas. We reached Dallas on Saturday afternoon and Eric Wang was already at the airport to fetch us, he had to wait for a few hours due to the delayed flight and also long queue at the iimigration.
Eric is a super helpful and a friendly guy. He sent us to our hotel, buy us lunch (subway) and then took our car at the Avis rental. We got a Mazda 3.

On Sunday we didn't go anywhere interesting as we were still having jetlag and only able to go to Walmart for groceries shopping, we had to strenghten our bones. :D

We started work on Monday at the DM6 building. Mani introduced us to the team members. I'm actually surprised of how some of them are so opposite from what I thought they are in person. I mean, they are cold in email but so friendly in person and vice versa. But its good to see some familiar faces, the ones that have been to Malaysia before.

Last week, workwise we've been to DFAB, RFAB, DM6 and DM5. Went to several unimportant meetings. Other than work, we also met Kak Rosni and her husband. They brought us to the halal market to get the meat. We experienced the imax theatre wathcing Oz. It was ozsem! :) Went to Allen Mall right after work on Fri.

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