Pantas & Garang 4 ;)
For those dah tgk muvi ni mesti tau cerita apa kalau tgk subject kt atas tu...hehe...Fast & Furious 4...lawak la masuk2 ja nmpk translation dia --> panas & garang 4..the story? hmm, ok la, action-packed movi
e and for those who have been following the sequels,you guys sure won't miss this too right...i think there's another upcoming sequel for this movie,(hmm, suddenly found this info >> FF5 is still at an early stage<<> since ending dia pun mcm tergantung sikit, biasa la diorang ni nk buat duit, mcm yusof haslam tu, kalau boleh nk buat sampai sembilu 8... :p
overall, it's a gr8 muvi eventho i'm not into fast cars, wild+sexy gals (hehe) etc..I think you guys will go and watch it without any hesitations ;-) it's a light-thinking need to think so hard as the movie contents and the jalan cerita is all very clear and easy to understand...but for <18yrs>
kekeke..sembilu 8 nanti erra pun dah tua dah...dah nyanyuk kot..