Senak peghut
Those are my feelings nowadays....
Going to US most probably happen in my wildest dream so far. But it's gonna be reality in 3 weeks time,if my visa application interview scheduled this Thurs is passed. Ok, it's not as easy as it sounds. I've gone through so much hasslessss... Kalau bukan sbb nak p training, mmg jgn harap la nk semua bnda ni, baik aku melawat negara asia and europe yg tk payah mengada2 nk buat visa nih....
Apa yg aku buat/lalui?
- Fill in application form for AMEX and send to HR - apparently in this co, the HR ppl doesn't know how to fill in the form for the employee!
- Ambik gbq passport, visa
- Buat passport tunggu 5 jam kt imigresen
- Print MRV form for Visa deposit slip
- Went to Standard Chartered for payment
- Create online visa applicant profile
- Fill in the so-many-questions D160 form.
- Wait for 1 day to schedule the interview.
- Schedule the interview - suddenly realize the passport number in my online profile is wrong. Tried to contact the support team to change it! Dah la call asyik dpt ckp ngan machine, nasib baik bole chat, tu pun tunggu lama! fuhh..
- Interview this Thurs - harap pass la. kalau tak kena ulang buat bnda yg sama kena byq blk!!
- Warm clothing application form pun belum hantaq.
- Amex belum dapat
- Dah dapat Amex kena bgtau kt travel agent utk book flight.
Preparation rohani dan jasmani nak p. Luggage pn tkdak ni. Itinerary untuk final 1 week untuk berjimba di LA pn belum buat. So macam mana aku tk senak peghut? tak ghosot? hmmm... sbb semua ni lah.
All the best Dear :)